Delicious Chicken in Black Bean Sauce prepared by COOX

Chicken in Black Bean Sauce

Chinese Dish

Plate Serves 3
Mins Preparation Time
Mins Cooking Time


Chicken in Black Bean Sauce is a non veg Chinese dish. It is Shallow fried. Chicken in black bean sauce contains a third of your recommended iron intake and a portion of veg – it’s the ideal healthy alternative.. One serving of Chicken in Black Bean Sauce has 0 plates that serves 3-4 people. It has 186 calories. When it comes to spice, Chicken in Black Bean Sauce is Medium. However, no  overnight soaking or any other kind of preparation is required to make this dish.


Salt (नमक)
Salt (नमक)
Ginger (अदरक)
Ginger (अदरक)
Red Chilly Sauce (रेड चिली सॉस)
Red Chilly Sauce (रेड चिली सॉस)
Red Bell Pepper (लाल शिमला मिर्च)
Red Bell Pepper (लाल शिमला मिर्च)
Yellow Bell Pepper (पीली शिमला मिर्च)
Yellow Bell Pepper (पीली शिमला मिर्च)
Green Zucchini (हरी ज़ूकीनी)
Green Zucchini (हरी ज़ूकीनी)
Olive Oil (ओलिव तेल)
Olive Oil (ओलिव तेल)
Chicken Breast (चिकन ब्रेस्ट)
Chicken Breast (चिकन ब्रेस्ट)
Lettuce Leaves Iceberg (सलाद की पत्तियाँ)
Lettuce Leaves Iceberg (सलाद की पत्तियाँ)
Chinese Cabbage (चाइनीज पत्ता गोभी)
Chinese Cabbage (चाइनीज पत्ता गोभी)
Black Bean Sauce (ब्लॅक बीन सॉस)
Black Bean Sauce (ब्लॅक बीन सॉस)

Appliances Required

Kadhai (कडाई)
Kadhai (कडाई)
Spatula (पलटा)
Spatula (पलटा)
Knife and Chopping Board (चाकू चॉपिंग बोर्ड)
Knife and Chopping Board (चाकू चॉपिंग बोर्ड)