Delicious Chicken Quesadillas prepared by COOX

Chicken Quesadillas

Mexican Dish

Plate Serves 3
Mins Preparation Time
Mins Cooking Time


Chicken Quesadillas is a non veg Mexican dish. It is not fried. The zesty chicken and cooked peppers are a succulent delight when mixed with the melted cheeses. One serving of Chicken Quesadillas has 0 plates that serves 3-4 people. It has 363 calories. When it comes to spice, Chicken Quesadillas is Medium. However, no  overnight soaking or any other kind of preparation is required to make this dish.


Onion (प्याज)
Onion (प्याज)
Tomato (टमाटर)
Tomato (टमाटर)
Refined Oil (तेल)
Refined Oil (तेल)
Salt (नमक)
Salt (नमक)
Green Capsicum (हरी शिमला मिर्च)
Green Capsicum (हरी शिमला मिर्च)
Tomato Ketchup (टमाटर कैचअप)
Tomato Ketchup (टमाटर कैचअप)
Red Bell Pepper (लाल शिमला मिर्च)
Red Bell Pepper (लाल शिमला मिर्च)
Yellow Bell Pepper (पीली शिमला मिर्च)
Yellow Bell Pepper (पीली शिमला मिर्च)
Oregano (ओरिगैनो)
Oregano (ओरिगैनो)
Olive Oil (ओलिव तेल)
Olive Oil (ओलिव तेल)
Sweet Corn Kernels (स्वीट कॉर्न कर्नेल)
Sweet Corn Kernels (स्वीट कॉर्न कर्नेल)
Chicken Thigh Boneless (चिकन थाई बोन्लस)
Chicken Thigh Boneless (चिकन थाई बोन्लस)
Processed Cheese (प्रोसेस्ड चीज़)
Processed Cheese (प्रोसेस्ड चीज़)
Tortilla Wraps (6 inches) (टॉर्टिला)
Tortilla Wraps (6 inches) (टॉर्टिला)

Appliances Required

Tawa (तवा)
Tawa (तवा)
Saute Pan (सौटे पैन)
Saute Pan (सौटे पैन)
Grater (कद्दूकस)
Grater (कद्दूकस)
Spatula (पलटा)
Spatula (पलटा)
Foil Paper (फोइल पेपर)
Foil Paper (फोइल पेपर)
Knife and Chopping Board (चाकू चॉपिंग बोर्ड)
Knife and Chopping Board (चाकू चॉपिंग बोर्ड)